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Benefits of a Vampire Facial

Updated: Mar 4, 2022

PRP therapy, also known as the ‘Vampire Facelift’ or 'Vampire Facial' is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure which makes use of the patient’s own blood mixed with a product to promote collagen growth underneath the skin.

Skin that looks grey, saggy and tired can be incredibly ageing. PRP Therapy is a revolutionary treatment where your blood is injected back into your face and body to repair it and restore it back to its former glory. Unlike various other facials available on the market, the vampire facial uses no artificial materials, making them the perfect solution for surface skin concerns as well as subdermal tissue repair. This fantastic treatment allows you to target exactly where you want the skin to be rejuvenated, leaving you with an overall brighter, more plump and healthier overall complexion in the areas that you need it most.​


How does PRP Therapy work?

PRP is the concentrated part of blood that contains platelets; the cells that bind together when they recognise damaged blood vessels within the skin. These platelets are then injected back into your skin, in areas that we’ve identified together that need rejuvenating, to bring back youthfulness and brightness to the skin. What’s more, not only does this assist in blood clotting, but also releases growth factors that attract stem cells to help your body repair itself.​


PRP for Hair Loss

For many people, their hair helps makes them feel more confident and youthful, and as this starts to thin, they can feel more conscious. Luckily, this is something that this innovative treatment can help with! As well as helping to reduce the signs of ageing within the skin, PRP therapy can also be used to treat hair loss. PRP can help to trigger natural hair growth by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle, and in turn, increases the thickness of the hair shaft.

For more information please contact us or book your free consultation online.


The Benefits of​ PRP

• No use of artificial materials

• Treatment takes less than 60 minutes

• Non-invasive

• Minimal downtime

• Results can be seen in under 24 hours

• Can treat a variety of factors, from acne to scarring, tissue damage and even hair loss

• PRP can increase dermal collagen levels, which is a protein naturally occurring in the body, providing structure to your skin, bones, muscles and tissues.​


Possible Side Effects of PRP

There are very few risks associated with PRP because the clinician will be using your own blood to do the procedure.

However, occasionally some mild side effects can occur, including:

• Mild irritation

• Swelling

• Bruising

• Itching

• Discolouration

We’ll talk you through any associated side effects and risks during your initial consultation with us.​ For more complex, stubborn concerns we recommend a course of 3 treatments, depending on the individual and the severity of the issue you want correcting. Treatments can be booked online or by phoning the clinic on: 0115 950 2020.


Before & After PRP Therapy




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